You want to celebrate the arrival of your child with a solemnly individualized ceremony and especially with a cheerful colorful celebration?
You have dear people to whom you would like to entrust the trustworthy task of being secular godparents to your child?
Then the Child Welcome Ceremony is just the right secular ceremony to welcome your child festively into the family.
Your child will soon celebrate his 1st birthday and you would like to celebrate this important day with a children's welcome party?
You have heard about it before, but you don't know how such a ceremony works and what you can do or what has to be prepared?
You would like to give your child some words of love for his or her life and the grandparents would like to combine this day with a symbolic act for their grandchild, e.g. planting a tree together?
Everything is possible! The more individual you make your children's welcome party, the more your child will realize that what is happening is something very special.
You already have lots of ideas and know exactly what texts you want to read and what rituals you want to give your child symbolically? Wonderful, then let's plan together this unforgettable day for your child.
I have a suitcase full of ideas and suggestions that we will choose together so that you fit individually to you, your child and your family, so that you feel completely comfortable at your children's welcome party and can enjoy the day with your family.